Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Deacon Wesley As Of Late

Raising Iowa

I can't believe Deacon is almost 19 months old!! I haven't done individual updates so I thought I would start with Deac. He has brought so much joy to our lives. I wasn't planning on having more children after the twins but thankfully God's plan is always better and blessed our lives with such an amazing, funny, sweet baby boy that makes the best scrunchy face ever!

Raising Iowa

His personality from the start was captivating, I don't "favor" him but he is just so easy on the heart. Not only is he the baby of the family, he's my last and only boy! So... I may have a little soft spot for him. I don't know if it's him being a singleton that makes him complete opposite of the girls or the fact that he is a boy. I have always heard boys are easier but more crazy. So far the girls have him beat in that department. He is always up for a snuggle session- definitely something I can't pass up, he is just as sweetest can be. Even when he is put in time out his little face gets him right out of it!

Raising Iowa

He 's going through a small tantrum phase but he has watched and learned from the pros so I can't blame him. He loves and admires his sissys' so much. Everything they do (the good, the bad, the dangerous) he has to try! He is always trying out their hair bows, shoes, jewelry and purses as well....

Raising Iowa

He is talking quite a bit, but prefers signing for his means of communication. Well that and "neh" which he refers to everything as. If he doesn't know the sign for something he makes up his own which is pretty comical. He says, Mama, Dada, hot, yea, baanan (banana.) He signs yes, no, more, please and thank you, all done, and a few more. He always tends to get his point across one way or another.

He is getting a bit of a sweet tooth and loves to rummage through our snack drawer himself picking out what he thinks looks good. He is very independent when it comes to meal time and always has been. He wants to hold the spoon, plate, or cup himself and won't tolerate it any other way. It's a bit of a mess but worth his satisfaction.

Deacon loves to sing and dance. Such a huge animal lover. He's obsessed with cats. Which is funny because we got a siamese kitten right after he was born but we thought maybe he was allergic and had to get rid of him :( Kicking myself for that one. His favorite toys are his wooden fishing kit, rocking horse, and elmo kitchen. He loves picture books, he points and wants you to tell him what every picture is (over and over.) I already see so much boy in him.. determined to do things. Loves to help out and feel like he is "fixing" things right along side you. *Good quality to have little man! ;)

This kid's sleeping patterns are another story.... 18 months later and he is FINALLY sleeping through the night! Hallelujah, praise the lord! Up until last month he got up every. single. night. Sometimes three times a night! It's been a long road but since he has exclusively nursed for that entire time he was very used to his nightly nursing sessions. I never saw myself nursing past a year.. but its just how it worked out. It was a blessing and I'm thankful for it. It was no easy task weaning him though!

I feel so blessed to have my little king's family, and wouldn't want it any other way! I love that he has two sisters to look up to and they are all so close.

There you have it- Deacon in a nutshell!


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