Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend + Paint

How did the weekend come and go so quickly?! I am lacking in the sleep department and as if our schedule wasn't busy enough I decided it was a great time to start painting my house for the first time!  Eek!

 Surprisingly I really haven't painted ever so I was in a little over my head but really happy with the results. I was shocked how one room being painted a different color can affect every room around it. (And not in a good way) so looks like I started quite the project for myself. Here is a sneak preview of the drastic changes messes I am making...
Raising Iowa

I had a friend come help, we had a pizza and painting party which made things go much quicker thank God! I am slightly afraid of heights so even being on a ladder made me nervous but after a while I started to get more comfortable. I will definitely post a before and after when it's all finished so stay tuned.

I worked majority of the weekend so we made sure to squeeze some preschool lessons in on my days off. We headed out to Mee Maw and Papa's to grill out Saturday since it was such a beautiful day and we camped out there.  That pretty much sums up our weekend.
Raising Iowa

Raising Iowa
  This fried egg project was so much fun to do and the kids love using them in their play kitchen now. We have been focusing on E and F so this week we will be talking about the Earth and where we live:)

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. The painting job looks great! Keep up the good work. I am happy to see more and more people choosing to paint their walls with darker colored paints, it really brings a bit of personality into the living space. I totally agree with roping in a few friends to help you out, it makes the whole job go by faster and it is a good excuse to splurge on pizza.

    Cecilia Hammond @ Pro Active Residential
