Sunday, March 15, 2015

"A King's Family"

When I saw this one-piece right before Deacon's Birthday, I had to have it along with this one. When the Gap runs their 40% off sale,  that's always when I stock up! Back when I was pregnant with Deacon, a woman asked me what I was having, knowing I already had twin girls. I told her a boy, and she said to me "Oh, that's perfect. Two girls and a boy is the best. They call it a King's Family." 
Raising Iowa deacon King's Family
I didn't know what she meant at first, but I have to admit it made me feel better given my situation with my children's father. She said, "A man raised with only sisters will grow up to be so loving, nurturing and understanding." I thought about what she said and it made sense. When a man is raised surrounded by woman he has no choice but to start understanding and emphasizing with them more.

Deacon may only be 12 months old, but it's never too early to teach him God's glory and how to be respectful of woman. Starting with his sisters. I have no doubt in my mind he will have two loving, protective big sisters to show him the way. Hopefully he doesn't pick up on the tantrums they have managed to master lately ;)

Already having competitive twin girls, I was rather relieved when I found out I was having a boy. He is slightly out numbered, so he will have to hold his ground, but he's just what we needed. We love this little guy more than life and feel so blessed to call him ours. Deacon truly is the King of our Castle! Raising Iowa Deacon King's Family

God Bless, and have a great week!!


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