Sunday, September 6, 2015

All In A Day

I thought it would be fun to document a full day of ours in pictures, so to speak. I always love reflecting back on photos no matter what the time frame is. Most our days tend to run together, all having chaos and tantrums in common but here is what a typical day looks like (without specific outings or plans.) I'll save that for another time, along with some survival tips for working, single moms!

I haven't quite taken the plunge on my days off and set my alarm clock for an earlier rise time than the little ones monsters. So for now we are usually starting the day off all at once.

 Rise and shine!
All the babes usually gather in my room first thing... and bring about 100 stuffed animals and demands with them! They can be grumpy little bears in the morning, so I never know what mood I'm waking up to! Eek.

Raising Iowa All In A Day


I am whipping up a simple and easy breakfast to get on the table before all three of them lose their marbles!
They are so patient :) 
Raising Iowa All In A Day

I typically like to eat meals together.. but breakfast is usually tricky so I end up meeting them half way through with my coffee and have about 5 minters to join them at the table before each one is ready to be cleaned up and excused. 

By excused- I'm referring to them demanding to get down and get their hands washed to race each other to the ONE lucky toy they just all happen to want! Doesn't matter if we have two of the exact same thing, they all want the one each other has. (And the fighting begins)


By this time my coffee is usually cold with only a few sips out of it, and the kids have already made quite a mess of the living room. 
Raising Iowa All In A Day


My best attempt at getting ready with my three little ankle bitters...
{Top knot and coffee for life!}


Weather permitting we head outdoors. Crusin in the jeep tends to be their activity of choice- its only a two seater... so they just improvise.
Raising Iowa All In A Day

When it's 90° in September and all the pools are closed....

Raising Iowa All In A Day

No pictures of lunch. Chick fil a drive thru came to the rescue!

Nap time!
Raising Iowa All In A Day

1, 2, 3... and they are all asleep! Not! I wish it was that easy. Deacon actually does fall right to sleep with little to no fussing. (He has been deprived of his morning naps since summer began, so he usually takes one solid 3 hour nap.) The twins on the other hand... not. so. much.  

Raising Iowa All In A Day


We made an impromptu trip to Verizon with all three kids in tow! Not by choice, but I had been without any cell service the entire day and knew it would be awhile before I would have time to go. Always a lovely experience taking three toddlers out and about. 

**Spoiler alert- Two days without cell service, how did people survive before cell phones??? Just kidding. It was actually kind of nice. 
Raising Iowa All In A Day

After the Verizon fiasco I had no choice but to reward them with ice cream!

Raising Iowa All In A Day


Finally made it home and nearing bath time so we had some hawaiian style frozen pizza for a quick and easy dinner and in the bath they went! *Meal times tend to be pretty low key during the busy summer months. 
All clean!!
Raising Iowa All In A Day
Raising Iowa All In A Day


This is what I like to refer to as "much needed downtime..."  although I may need it more than the kids do. The girls usually choose to watch a short dvd or netflix show while Deacon plays. 
Raising Iowa All In A Day
Raising Iowa All In A Day

It's time to brush our teeth for bed!
Raising Iowa All In A Day
The girls are slowly learning to "take turns" and Brooklyn's face shows exactly how she feels about that. 

Snuggles before bed!


Deacon and I go into his room, I rock him and read some books while the girls head up to their bedroom and read in their little nook, say their prayers and it's finally bedtime!
Raising Iowa All In A Day
Raising Iowa All In A Day

The girls still don't fall asleep right away and usually need to be told quite a few times to get back in bed. Thank God for nanny cameras because they will sneak out the second your not looking. 

So there you have it! Our days at home summed up in pictures. Obviously I skipped over different portions of the day that I couldn't take on still while photographing.

 This schedule (or lack thereof) starting this week will look much different! Our preschool at home will begin along with some minor changes. I previously mentioned in this post  how we will be making some attitude and behavior adjustments. I will soon share what I have planned and what a typical "school day" at home will look like :)

I'm much more at peace with a clean and organized home, but there are times I have no choice but to fold, and embrace the messes. The kids have picked up on how I operate and now that they are getting older (the twins especially) they really lend a hand and help put things away. They know the house needs to be put back in order to move on to the next activity or outing. It's a work in progress on all our behalves. 



  1. Day in the Life posts are my favorites! I especially love looking back on old ones from years past :) You are rockin' the single/working mom gig!!

    1. Aw thanks so much!! It's no easy task but we survive! These are my favorite type of post as well both to read and write!
