Friday, August 28, 2015

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Raising Iowa Rain Rain go away

Looks like we are in for a wet and rainy weekend so our Hunters will be worn on repeat. We don't have too many plans going on. We are still in the middle of getting our house cleaned up/organized for our first year of preschool at home (its been quite the process.) So I guess no better time than the present rain!

I hope to share our home school "plan" in the near future but I'm still kind of gathering my thoughts on it all myself. The kids and I have been hunkering down and really focusing on our attitudes toward one another.  Also known as our mini boot camp. I feel in order to have a successful teaching environment we first need to have the utmost respect for one another.
Raising Iowa Rain Rain Go away

Everyone is learning to pitch in around here. We will tackle most of the meals, messes, and clean up together! This helps them learn some responsibility while I gain a tiny bit of sanity and time to actually teach them. Win-Win.

In between our cleaning and "behavior boot camp" we will be taking time out to splash around in some mud puddles and dance in the rain!

 Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!


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