Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sunshine And Smoothies

Raising Iowa sunshine and smoothies

Raising Iowa sunshine and smoothies

Raising Iowa sunshine and smoothies

Raising Iowa sunshine and smoothies
Fruit smoothies are the go to snack during the warmer months. Since we only have a few weeks left of the heat we are blending up our smoothies as much as possible! I usually stick to pretty simple recipes, I choose a couple different kinds of fruit, any juice we have on hand, add some ice -blend. And voila, you have a smoothie. (Sometimes I sneak some apple cider vinegar in there) I can't get the kids to take it in any other form!

We are pretty good at getting in our daily dose of fruit either way but this makes for a refreshing snack on those hot days while playing outside. The weather has been all over the place... one week it's in the 60's the next it's in the 90's! So I'm glad I haven't packed up our suits quite yet. We put them to some good use the past few days.

Hope your having a wonderful week, Cheers!!


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