Monday, August 31, 2015

Snapshots Via iPhone

Busyness is an understatement. I have hardly had any time to sit down and write.. at least on my blog. I have been knee deep in school prep and organization like I've mentioned in the last few post- being OCD really isn't helping my case. I am getting there though. For now here is what we have been up to via snaps over the past few weeks ...
Raising Iowa Snapshots
My little pancake helper! The babes love to help in the kitchen and Deacon has reached the age where he wants to "help" with everything! As much of a mess it can make, it's totally worth the proud look on his face!! 

Raising Iowa Snapshots
 This has been my morning scene as of late: Coffee. Out the door. Repeat. 

A few cold rainy days called for boots, jackets and hot coffee.

Raising Iowa Bia Snapshots
A good thing about traveling and being on the go is the three littles don't miss out on their naps! 

Raising Iowa Snapshots
 My Livy Kate does the best kissy face! Love how silly the kids are. I have always been a goofball so I love that they take after me in that sense. Can't take life too seriously. 

Raising Iowa Snapshots
We got kind of out of routine and haven't taken as many walks mid to late summer- due to the heat and being constantly on the go. We are back at it again and it feels so good to get out and walk around in the evenings!
Raising Iowa Snapshots
The sweetest moment caught on camera- "girl talk"  These two truly are the meaning of best friends, it melts my heart. 

Raising Iowa Snapshots
Love our breakfast scene! We love eggs around here and will take them pretty much any way you can make them! I took this picture while we were cooking because it's a pretty scene/good life analogy. Try to always look at things sunny side up!! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! My writing will continue to slow down some as we start our first official at home-school year. My hope is to be able to still post weekly, as much as I love my blog my family is my priority and they come first in my life. We are entering into a brand new zone and chapter of our life that will be very time consuming and require my undivided attention. When time allows, I look forward to sharing this chapter with y'all and keeping our friends and family updated!! Do me a favor, and say a prayer for us, that we may be blessed with wisdom, Patience, and grace! 

God Bless you all!! 

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