Monday, November 2, 2015

Trick-Or-Treat And Halloween Recap

We started the weekend off with pumpkin carving which has never been a favorite of mine. Apparently the kids aren't huge fans either. They liked the finished product but none of us enjoyed gutting the pumpkins to get there. It's always such a mess and I'm not the most artistic person to begin with when it comes to carving.
Raising Iowa Halloween

Raising Iowa Halloween

The girls requested a "mean guy" and "kitty cat" which both came out interesting. Deacon's, I carved his initials and called it a day. We can't keep pumpkins outside on our steps because the squirrels demolish them and basically plant a pumpkin patch in our flower garden over night so we only put them outside on Halloween night. 

We traveled this year to go stay with friends so the kids got to go out trick-or-treating in a small town instead of the city. The girls couldn't wait to wear their costumes I think they asked me to put them on that morning 100000 times! The kids were the three little pigs and I was the big bad wolf - which the girls insisted on.
Raising Iowa Halloween

I saw the knitted hats on etsy and liked the fact they could reuse and wear them again. Later I ordered Deacon's from our local farmer's market. The girls tulle skirts were repurposed from their first birthday high chair decor! Costumes tend to be so costly and since you only wear them once, the past two years I have opted for outfits they can reuse that are a tad more practical.

Raising Iowa Halloween
Raising Iowa Halloween

It rained the entire day but it stopped just in time to go trick or treating. I can't complain, the hawks were on TV while we were cooped up inside snacking all day long on the delicious food our friends made! 

 The girls stepped in quite a few mud puddles during the course of the evening but it didn't phase them. I was shocked at how many houses had their lights off! It's not that the kids need a lot of candy but it makes for a much better experience to go door to door. Need less to say, the kids enjoyed themselves and that's all that matters. 

They made sure to say "trick or treat please and happy Halloween" to almost every house while Deacon just tagged along making his way up to each door and taking as many pieces of candy out of the bowls that they would allow! It was so cute seeing him go up to the doors all by himself this year.

As fun as it was, I'm glad it's all over... for some reason this year was extra exhausting. I think we are all still trying to catch up on some sleep. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!

Seven more Mondays until Christmas.... Say what?!?!?!


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