Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Week

Raising Iowa October

Happy almost Halloween!! How has October flown by so fast!? So many exciting things happening around here. Again, I apologize for the lack of updates but life is just so busy these days (in a good way) just doesn't leave a whole lot of room for blogging.

This week has been no exception. Every day we have something going on! I feel so fortunate for all the opportunities we have had and couldn't be more pleased with the way home school is going thus far. The girls received an organic water color paint set they have loved utilizing for preschool.
Raising Iowa October
The girls get to dress up in their Halloween costumes for dance class this week! We decided to go with something practical and fun which will make it easy to dance in. They're all so excited they've been asking to carry around their trick-or-treat bags since September! Stay tuned to see them in their costumes- so stinking cute!

This year were switching it up a bit and decided on a theme for the whole family (including me) we're going to a friends for trick or treating/Hawkeye game on Saturday. Looking forward to all the festive pumpkin food beer and bags full of candy! 
Raising Iowa October

^^ Are these dresses not the most adorable thing!?

Hope everyone is having a fun and festive Month of October !



  1. Love the dresses and their cute shoes too!

    1. Thanks Janna!! The dresses are from brickyard buffalo :)
