Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Twin's Birthday Weekend

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

We had such a blast this past weekend celebrating the twin's 4th Birthday! I decided this year we weren't going to have an actual birthday party like the previous years and take a trip to Chicago instead. Every year on their birthday we have gone to the local zoo which is pretty small and low key so with the kids all being animal lovers I decided to step it up this year and go to Brookfield Zoo.

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

We made a girl's trip out of it (plus Deacon) We packed the car full and made the trip. We had amazing weather and such a great time all being together. There were ZERO tantrums... seriously?! It was such a blessed day. We had just enough time to make it through the entire zoo seeing mostly all the animals- with an added bonus as we were leaving we got to hear the male lion roar!

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday
^^ Three of us cramped in the way back breaking in the third row on the road trip to Chicago!

I had promised Brooke and Livy for their birthday they could pick out a lion at the zoo as one of their presents since they were set on having one for months now? (Not really sure why) The weeks leading up to it were torture for the girls myself hearing every day all day how they needed a lion and they couldn't nap or sleep or go anywhere without a lion......
Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

After each exhibit in the gift shops they searched high and low for their lions but it wasn't until the last shop where they actually found lions, they just had to pick the neon pink camo ones. I was trying to pursued them to change their mind or pick the adorable stuffed dolphins but they were adamant about their lions.

I felt so blessed having some of the most important people in our lives all travel and be there together! It's not very often all our schedules coincide and we can get together outside of holidays so the kids and I were really happy it worked out!
Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

On the girls actual birthday we celebrated by heading to church then hit up the farmer's market right after where the kids got to run around and eat some of the best pop corn while dancing on stage- it was another beautiful sunny day.

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday
^^ A snap with my girl!

Later that night we had some family over for pizza and cake while the girls opened tore through their presents. They loved everything and started playing dress up in the midst of it all. They also got their first collection barbie dolls!
Raising Iowa Twins Birthday

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday
^^ Their goggles from their aunt that they refuse to take off still two days later...

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday
^^ Deacon enjoyed celebrating with his sissys' and eating their cake!

I thank God each and every night for blessing me with such amazing twin girls, I am so thankful he chose me to be their Mama!  I feel like I blinked and their suddenly four years old!!! Honestly I ask myself where does the time go.. then I reflect back through pictures and videos and tear up remembering and seeing all the joy that they have brought to my life in these four short years. I am a better person, a better christian, and always striving to be a better Mama because of these two precious girls!! I love and adore them more than life it's self.  Wishing the happiest of birthdays and many many more to my beautiful twin daughters.

Raising Iowa Twins Birthday


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