Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Life As Of Late- In Pics

I previously mentioned blogging would slow down some- I simply can't find the time... October seems to be our busiest month yet! Between home schooling, work, the twin's birthday and redecorating some rooms in the house I don't think I've hardly had the chance to sit down! So here is a quick update in pics :)

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
^^ Deacon got another haircut.. His expression on his face says it all. He knows how handsome he is!

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
 ^^ The girls getting ready to go in their tap/ballet class.

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
 The girl's grandparents came to visit them this past week and they got to go fishing for the fist time and both caught fish! I was such a proud Mama.

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
Similar styles: Skirt // Blazer //Fringe Boots 

 ^^Pic from snapchat (hollylc) I had a blast at the Miranda concert- She is one of my absolute favorite artist. I'm just a huge country fan in general. 

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
 ^^ Just beginning to rake leaves! Brooke and Livy love using their rakes they got last year from a friend, we will be putting them to good use over the next month or so. 

Raising Iowa Life In Pics
^^ Last but not least... painting and redecorating has been in full force. I plan on posting a diy on how I painted our fireplace along with some before and after pics. I'm loving the results and how everything is coming together! I have always had a love for fashion and design.

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!

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