Monday, August 3, 2015

Little Rays Of Sunshine

Raising Iowa Sunshine
Raising Iowa Sunshine
Raising Iowa Sundhine

Twins: Dresses // Moccasins 

We have a lot on our plate and changes happening around here. My twin tornadoes can really flip the house upside down in a hurry, but they truly are such a ray of sunshine. My once little tiny 5 lb babes are almost four years old! Where does the time go!? I became acquainted with the terrible twos quite well... times two but it flew by! Even though it may not always be in my favor, I couldn't be happier with the unbreakable bond the girl's have with each other.  

They are twice the blessing and I love them to absolute pieces even on the days I want to pull all my hair out- which happens to be quite a lot lately. Thank God for extensions girlfriends (Amen!)  I am struggling quite a bit with getting them to follow directions. I swear I tell them something. They deliberately do the opposite. Or just ignore me all together. Three is a hard age, not only have they formed very strong opinions and stubborn little mindsets but there is TWO of them making these stubborn, hard headed decisions.

I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for our first (at-home) school year.  It will mainly consist of creative ways to teach letters, numbers, shapes etc. The basic PreK stuff. The most challenging part will be capturing the twins attention long enough to teach them. For me, being organized and consistent will be key! What one does, the other must do. They constantly feed off each other which could possibly play out in my favor! Wish us luck!

Good luck to all the Mamas kissing their babies goodbye for the first time and sending them off to school!! I don't know how ya'll hold it together!

Happy Monday Friends


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