Friday, July 3, 2015

Red White And Blue

Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue
Fourth of July is another one of my favorite holidays... Ok, maybe they are all my favorite. Either way we have been celebrating all week! We had a Red, white and blue dinner party the other night. We went all out trying to make everything festive! The frozen margaritas were amazing, they are my favorite and I can't believe I've never made them before. The littles' had some festive drinks of their own as well. 
Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue
Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue
The kids and I went to target the other day. Every time I go for one thing, I leave with twenty! Does anyone else do this?! I swear it's a trap! The girls found these little backpacks they loved which I will admit were super cute so I told them if they were good they could have them to take to the parade this weekend packed full of goodies.
Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue

The kids had such a good time playing outside with sparklers and catching lightening bugs. Livy caught one a few weeks ago that she just had to bring home and named him Bobby? Not sure where that name came from but she ended up losing him on the car ride home and was devastated. The other night they were driving their jeep all around the yard and she suddenly jumps out while it's still moving and runs up to a lightening bug and says "Bobby is that you?" In the cutest voice! We all dyed laughing. I cherish these moments, it's the simple things that can make a child light up, literally speaking.
Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue
Raising Iowa Red, White and Blue
We will be heading down to the parade and festival tomorrow.  Fireworks are still debatable considering the twins cried the entire show last year. Now that they possibly could enjoy them, Deacon won't be a fan! Wish us luck!! 

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Fourth Of July weekend!! Thank God for our Independence!

Shop Fourth Of July Looks Here:

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