Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Picnic + The Zoo

We took advantage of a cooler day and packed a picnic lunch and headed to the zoo..... If only it were that easy, Ha! In other words, I ran around at the grocery store last minute picking up things to pack and totally FROZE doing it. Then once everything was packed and ready we locked all the doors to the house and forgot to grab the car keys which resulted in me crawling through a window. 

We eventually made it there with a few minor tantrums and cat naps later. I may or may not have been part of the tantrum throwing. We decided to eat first instead of dealing with three hungry toddlers. We threw a couple blankets down and ate quickly before walking around the zoo. 
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
Picnic Backpack // Snack Bags // Blanket (Sold out) Similar Here 

The girls finally have gotten to an age where they will sit down long enough to eat for the most part- Deacon on the other hand is on-the-go at all times. He was ready to take off running toward the animals with his cake pop in one hand and grapes in the other. 

Apparently the rest of Iowa had the same idea of going to the zoo, it was packed! We spent a few hours there walking around and revisiting some of their favorite animals; the giraffes, lions, and leopards. 
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
The monkeys were a favorite as well. Maybe it was the bananas on Deacon's shirt or the brownie brittle the twins were eating but the monkeys were infatuated with us. They followed the kids all around the exhibit, it was pretty hilarious. 
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo
^^Is it normal that all three were trying to crawl underneath a fence to get to a snow leopard??

Our first trip to the zoo this season goes down as a success. Deacon was actually old enough to interact and run around, he had such a blast! The girls were disappointed they didn't get to ride the carousel but we avoided all the "extras" this time aka- the lines. 
Raising Iowa Picnic and Zoo

Hope everyone has a great day!!

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