Monday, July 13, 2015

Lunch Date And Splash Pad

The other day my littles and I went out for lunch together which is always a risky adventure. There are many times I regret it the second we get seated. One of, if not ALL of them lose their marbles and I wind up humiliated and taking our food to go. However this wasn't one of those days! We had lunch on the patio and it was my favorite lunch date with all three of them thus far. I was pleasantly surprised!
Splash Pad Raising Iowa
Splash Pad Raising Iowa
I love the sunshine and fresh air. The service was excellent and we had a perfect spot in a cozy corner (in case there were any tantrums) we were far enough away from everyone. The music was good, the food was great and the weather was perfect!! It may be my new favorite place to have lunch. 

Afterwards we went to check out a splash pad we hadn't been to before. Deacon wasn't a fan and refused to leave my side. The girls on the other hand had a blast running through the water before they said they were cold! We played at the park afterwards that was right next to it so they could dry off some before we got in the car to leave. 
Splash Pad Raising Iowa
My Livy Kate and her kissy face ^^
Splash Pad Raising Iowa
He was such a little cuddle bug ^^
Splash Pad Raising Iowa

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! 

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