Thursday, June 11, 2015

Playdates In The Playroom

When the weather is crappy we result to the playroom. The kids could play up there for hours but not without ten thousand cat fights! We literally have almost two of everything, yet somehow they manage to fight over the same exact toy instead of going and finding the identical one to play with! Deacon loves playing with his sissys and their little pink kitchen happens to be his favorite- the color does not bother him a bit ;)
Rainy Days Raising Iowa
Raising Iowa Rainy Days
Raising Iowa Playdates

As much as we all like to get out of the house it's never the easiest thing to do. Unloading and loading the car every stop is the most time consuming thing- and that's if everyone is even cooperative and no  tantrums are happening. So needless to say I'm okay with rainy days now and then.

Between birthdays, Christmases and our regular shopping trips we have more than enough toys in the play room and scattered throughout the house! It sometimes amazes me when they still find every thing possible they shouldn't have. Deacon is notorious for that.

I love for them to all use their imagination and play together. It's the cutest thing. Like I mentioned before I will be home schooling starting with preschool this year. Pre-k is not a requirement so I don't have to follow any certain curriculum quite yet. Pretend-play is important for their development, so they will be doing lots of it! Imagination shapes the mind.

We are ready for the weekend!! Hope everyone is having a great week!


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