Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Precious Cargo

Raising Iowa Precious cargo
My Hunters // Girl's Hunters
I had the day off work, so in other words I ran errands, cleaned, and played with the kids. It was supposed to rain all day so we put on our rain boots and headed to the grocery store since our fridge was getting close to empty. I usually put off grocery shopping until I absolutely have to go. Not only am I not a big fan of cooking, but I swear I take 10 minutes to find each little ingredient for my so called "easy" meals I pin.... That I hardly find the time to cook anyways! #Singlemomproblems

Our cart always consist of my purse, diaper bag and the precious cargo of course. Also known as my three little toddlers.  This leaves very limited space for groceries! Another reason I'm not a fan of grocery shopping. I've tried it all, strollers, harnesses, and the worst experiment - giving the twins freedom to walk next to me  run laps through the grocery store and parking lot!
Raising Iowa Precious cargo
Needless to say errands are a challenge. I decided with a donut incentive we may get in and out in one piece. We all got a donut from the bakery and I had three happy little campers in my cart. We even managed to get majority of the items off my grocery list. Whew..

Then we went home and enjoyed the rest of our donuts and played outside before nap. Now that Deacon can keep up a little better with the girls, they don't know what to think. They have taught him a few bad habits along the way and he has now mastered a toddler tantrum almost as good as they have. There was some shoving and hitting going on amongst them today which I've been trying to put a stop to. Sometimes I think that's just what siblings do though.
Raising Iowa Precious Cargo
Raising Iowa Precious Cargo
Then they can turn around and be so sweet and loving to one another. Deacon was throwing a tantrum and crying his little heart out on the bathroom floor. I was busy trying to get us all ready and out the door for dance class, basically ignoring his little fit. The twins were sitting down on the floor next to him so he crawled over to Livy and laid his head in her lap crying and hugging her, then proceeded to go over to Brooklyn and do the same thing. They both patted his back and consoled him, he loves his sissies. It completely melted my heart.

Honestly, chaos and all I wouldn't rather my days any other way!


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