Friday, April 17, 2015

Shopping Adventures

Raising Iowa Shopping
Yesterday was another beautiful day and we took full advantage as always. The girls are in need of some flip flops and jellies for this summer, before they're all sold out so we headed out to shop around after Deacon's haircut.
Raising Iowa Shopping
I always prepare myself knowing anywhere we adventure out to just us four is typically a challenge! And today was no exception. I hate.. let me repeat HATE using public restrooms. I seriously would almost rather my bladder burst than to have to use one. Unfortunately I can't make the kids hold it but I strongly encourage them to use the restroom before we ever leave the house. 

Today Brooklyn told me she needed to go potty in the middle of carter's shortly after we got there, with (no restroom near us) and I had my hands full of clearance items I was quickly trying to snag up. Thankfully the associate at the store said we could use the employee restroom so just as I was putting everything down to take Brooklyn back I turn around and there she is peeing right on the floor in the middle of the store! I was like what are you doing Brooklyn!! She replied with "I told you mama, I told you." Point taken.

I was mortified. I had to quick buy her a new pair of pants and underwear because I was purposely traveling light with no extra change of clothes. Then I proceeded to clean up their floor. I couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough and ended up completing my purchase online. I got these flip flops to match their suits this summer with a couple of other cute pairs. 

I will stick to my online shopping from the comfort of my home from here on out. It's getting to the point of impossible with all three TODDLERS almost anywhere we go. I have harnesses for the twins which I couldn't have done without last year but as they get older it looks even more silly walking my toddlers on a leash. ha!
Raising Iowa Shopping

We went home and had lunch outside and lounged around before nap. It was overall a great day!! We are looking forward to a low key weekend and enjoying all this sunny weather- possibly on a new patio!! I will be sharing the progress with y'all soon. 

Have a wonderful weekend loves!


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