Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow Day!

We have gotten well over a foot of blowing snow - so it's safe to say its a snow day over here and I'm not mad about it!
Sometimes I love an excuse to not get dressed and lay around all day with the babes. We even got extra lucky with Mee-Maw in town and unable to go anywhere due to road conditions so the girls were in heaven when they got an unexpected sleep over guest! Which also meant I had some help I'm not used to around the house and with the kids!
We went outside for just enough time to throw some snow up in the air and catch some snow flakes. Then it was back inside for hot chocolate and Mee-Maws homemade chocolate chip cookies to warm up with. 

The girls made an indoor fort made out of my curtains and throws and snuggled in for the day. Embarrassed to admit we didn't even have the TV on for the Super Bowl, but I guess that's what happens when there isn't a man around. Deacon isn't old enough to care ;)


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