Monday, February 9, 2015

Our Weekend

I would love to say we are all doing well and back to our normal routine, but unfortunately that's not the case. Every one of us are sick. Deacon's cough was so bad, I ended up running him into the doctor to have him checked out. Thankfully it's just a really bad cold, and surprisingly he hasn't let it hold him back any.

The girls were a different story. I had never seen them so miserable. Made for a very uneventful weekend - being so cooped up is hard on us all. After a bath the girls found a spot on the floor and refused to move.

Brooklyn has always been bff with our dog, Princeton. And this weekend was no exception. Princeton became her comfort animal to the point she refused to go to sleep without him in the bed. Keep in mind, he is a bulldog- snoring, flatulence, and loud noises go with the territory, so that was quite the experience.

I was pulling out all the stunts. Even serving their favorite 'breakfast' food for dinner. Blueberry wheat pancakes, scrabbled eggs and raisin bagels. I was trying anything to help get their appetite up or at least a smile.

I attempted being festive by making heart shaped pancakes and Livy said, "that is not a heart," I thought it was clearly Pinterest material! Haha, Fail!

In my defense, I had to stop every other second to blow a nose. I had a baby clinging to my leg, the twins had one-hundred demands; it made preparing even a simple dinner, impossible. 

It didn't take long for all the sickness to catch up to me, and of course I ended up with the flu. I suggested the twins have a sleep over at their dad's house. Which is never easy on me but I figured it would give them a change of scenery. And lets face it - at this point I was pretty much useless.

Hoping for a much better week.


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