Thursday, February 5, 2015

Down For The Count

Sometimes I hate this time of year for this exact reason, All three babes happen to be sick and I'm hoping they don't take me down with them! I can obviously handle a cold but it's miserable seeing your littles just not themselves. 

Deacon is probably the happiest baby boy so even with his awful cold he's still in great spirits! The day has consisted of mostly lounging around by the fireplace and the only plus side is all the extra cuddles. Brooklyn decided since they are all sick Princeton must be too, and is giving him a thorough check up:)

My go to products I swear by when we have colds, are Dr. Teal's vapor bath, eucalyptus, orange juice and warm water with honey, and any fruit with extra vitamin C can't hurt! The twins love their cozy hugs aromatherapy giraffes that can be heated or cooled for comfort, warm them in the microwave and snuggle up and it's the best cure for the chills.

I draw them a warm bath and fill with Dr. Teal's vapor bath and follow with eucalyptus essential oil on their feet, really helps open up their sinuses. Hopefully they will be back to themselves in no time! 

We will be snuggled in at home until everyone is feeling well again! In the mean time I better get to work on cleaning up the trail of toys they left behind before nap. The downside of being cooped up. Summer couldn't come any faster! Hope everyone is staying healthy out there:)


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