Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Missing Glue

Things always seem to go missing around here. With all the busy little hands it's hard to believe I find anything. This time it was the super glue! One of the worst things that could be just lying around the house with curious toddlers.

I spent an hour looking for the damn glue. First with a purpose because I was bound and determined to get the girl's boon frog bath scoop to stay on the shower wall. Which by the way, I love this product, it's my wall that's the issue! And the twins love their bath "bog". 

It didn't take me long to realize it had to be one of the girls that carried it off somewhere. It was then I started to look frantically, thinking of the horrible possibilities the twins could use super glue for!!

The tube easily could be mistaken for lip gloss- which happens to be one of their favorite things! At this point I was half tempted to dig through the trash that had 10,000+ tissues from the previous day of sickness piled on top. (Only because that's usually the hot spot) for when I do find things that miraculously go missing.

I knew the exact spot I had it sitting, a reasonably safe spot (high) out of reach on the window seal. That was safe at least until.... I sat both girls up there while I made dinner!! I asked the girls over and over what happened to the little tube on the window seal? Every time they would tell me a different place in the house.

After flipping everything upside down looking for it, I would ask again. Their answer, "I don't know mama" Then the last place I randomly check, the dishwasher for some odd reason? Lone be hold, there it was! 

After all the searching I decided to actually use it like I sought out to. And what happens? I go and glue my freaking fingers together! What. A. Night. There went my plans of a peaceful evening and early bed time! But thank god it was me and not them, Right?

Still laughing at myself, but hey the frog has stayed on the wall for a full twenty four hours! Lesson learned. Hide all glue from the kids myself.


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