Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Heart-Filled Weekend

Hope everyone had a happy, blessed weekend! This was the kids weekend with their dad, so it was pretty quiet and lonely around here, until the moment I pick them back up. I did have a chance to meet my sister for dinner which rarely happens, so it was nice catching up with her! 

On Saturday when I got the babes back I surprised them with a date night. We all dressed up and went to a local spot for our special Valentine's dinner. I had a few little gifts for them, including their new outfits, and told them afterwards we were going to Mee-maw's for a party!

I'm not exactly sure why I thought we wouldn't need a reservation for such an early dinner. But after every restaurant having an hour plus wait, we settled for Old Chicago. Not the fanciest place but the girls could have cared less. Of course Livy said, "I don't want to eat here. I want to eat at Mee-maws!"

Going out for dinner, on Valentine's Day, single, and with three small children was a wonderful idea in theory. However, seeing the couples surrounding us while my three little ones screamed and demanded things, wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Most of the time I am rather content being a single mom, but certain things tend to remind me of how much I miss having our whole family together. 

A few people at the restaurant referred to me as "Super Mom." It was not the first time I've heard it, but this time I actually felt like it. I always go into situations like this fully prepared - or at least think so. I wind up looking crazy jumping up every second to get the ten thousand different things Deacon has chucked across the room. Pushing the girls chairs back in after they repeatedly bumped into the poor people sitting behind them, seemed to be another common task. Feeling completely disorganized and speeding through dinner, we wound up taking most of the food to go!

We then ventured out to Mee-maw and Papa's for a little Valentine's Day bash of our own. The girls had a blast tearing through their gifts and playing with all heart shaped things. Their favorite part of course was eating their cookies - go figure. Overall it was a perfect Valentine's Day! 

Sunday, after Valentine's Day, was pretty lazy as usual. Between winter and Deacon's morning naps, we sadly haven't made it to church. Once Deacon transitions into one nap per day we will be able to attend regularly again. It is not easy attending church and actually hearing the service with three little ones, but it's still worth the effort! 

Our home church held their first annual Chili Cook-off this weekend. Despite the whole nine degrees it was outside, we bundled up and made our way there for dinner and some good company. As nice as it can be to get out of the house, sometimes it's not worth it! As the day progresses - generally the worse it gets. After a full day, all kids are tired, cranky, and ready for bed, including me! 

Time for a much needed glass of wine, then off to bed! Despite all the chaos, my heart truly is so full. Have a wonderful week:)


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