Saturday, November 21, 2015


Raising Iowa Blog
^^ The calm before the storm...

Being a parent is sometimes equivalent to a constant state of fear, a full head of grey hair, and a giant cup of coffee to keep pushing through! In so many scriptures Jesus warns us of being fearful and tells us to stray from worrying. I'm a type A person, so unfortunately worrying and being in control just goes hand in hand with my personality. I obviously struggle with letting Jesus take the wheel. But I promise friends, he's a way better driver!! 

If I could bubble wrap my kids through out the toddler years without it being frowned upon I probably would have done it by now! Ha. Seriously though why are kids so accident prone!? If they only knew the trouble they could save us ALL by just sitting still or listening when we tell them not to do something. 

Minor injuries happened to be apart of our daily routine lately. Starting with a shopping cart incident a few weeks back. That one took "me" some time to recuperate from. One of my biggest fears realized. Then as if that wasn't enough Deacon turned around the next week and split his lip open.

Deac has gotten more difficult to lay down for nap or bedtime. He used to be so easy- lay him down, walk away and within minutes he was sleeping without letting out a peep unless he happily sang himself to sleep! Now he refuses to be put down and clings to me as tight as he can and instantly screams and stands up for as long as I can stand it. (Because then I head back in, he wins every time.) 

So the other night I went to go lay him down and he stood up throwing a tantrum and smacked his face right on the edge of his crib?! I flipped on the light and blood was everywhere. Terrifying. Mouths bleed so much so it took some time before I even knew where it was coming from. Thank God the blood was way worse than the actual cut but it did leave him with a fat little lip. :( 

Then last but not least, the day my four year old mangles her finger in a piece of exercising equipment. This was actually with the sitter who was standing right next to Livy when she decided to discreetly stick her hand in the elliptical while Brooklyn was on it. 

Again, so much blood hard to see the actual wound!! I was right up the street so I rushed there as quickly as I could aging every minute of the way! Ahhh. It was pretty bad but we spoke with her Grandpa who is a doctor thank God and gives us great advice so we skipped out on the hour long wait in an ER and took care of her at home. 
Raising Iowa Blog

She was such a champ through it all! Aloe Vera worked wonders but changing out bandages was slightly challenging with her. Thankfully she is okay and doing much better!! 

I'm praying for no more incidents like these (however that's nearly impossible with three rambunctious children) I am just glad they are all okay. I thank God it wasn't worse. I think when your child gets hurt the most important thing is to be calm. They feed off our energy and the more calm and patient we are the more calm they become.

Well that, and have some wine at the end of the day! It's needed during times like these. The best part is God made children resilient for a reason, and they sure bounce back quick!! Cheers to that!

Raising Iowa Blog


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