Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Swim Day

Swim Day Raising Iowa
Swimsuit // Twin's: Swimsuit
We finally made it to the pool for the first time this season. It's never the easiest place to go with three toddlers and a list of things to bring over a mile long but always worth it in the end. The girls love the water, Deacon on the other hand hasn't been the most fond of it but he came around and really started enjoying himself. He even went down some slides! 
Swim Day Raising Iowa
We don't usually stay very long at public pools. The crowds and rules can be annoying (like no taking pictures of your own kids annoying) Plus it's not easy keeping track of three toddlers full of energy. Unfortunately none of the kids have gone through swim lessons as of yet which makes me that much more nervous in large pools with lots of people. The twins are a little too brave around the water so I'm hoping to enroll them next month so they can learn all the basics.
Swim Day raising Iowa
RaisingIowa Swim Day
None the less we all enjoyed ourselves and headed home right after for some much needed naps! Hopefully the rain stays away this week so we can enjoy more fun in the sun!!


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