Monday, May 4, 2015

Single Motherhood In all It's Glory

Raising Iowa Mom Post
I love this necklace with all my babies initials. ^^
It's a staple piece of jewelry I almost always wear,  a big thanks to my best friend! You can purchase one Here or less expensive version Here.

With Mother's Day coming up I decided to write about what motherhood means to me and what life is like as a single mom to three toddlers.

It amazes me how different God's plan can be from our own. I thank God every night for making me a mother. For blessing me with three amazing, beautiful, healthy babies. For giving me more than I could ever asked for. For knowing my needs better than I knew my own.

Motherhood started out much different for me than most, becoming a mom was never with intention. I wasn't necessarily in the right place in my life to have a baby, let alone twins. Only being 25 years old and clinging onto a relationship at the time with my children's father desperate to make it work wasn't exactly a fairytale.

Him and I had a good time when we were getting along but looking back our relationship wasn't very purposeful.  Despite our differences, I loved him and believed in him which is why I always tried to work it out- Obviously hence our three children we have together. All things happen for a reason and they are no mistake. 

There was a point in my life where I wasn't even sure if I wanted children. I was still pretty self absorbed and enjoying my freedom in the city. That combo was a disaster waiting to happen- with or without kids. I envisioned a much different picture of what my life would look like today. Not only did I not see myself being a mom but never in my wildest dreams would I have pictured doing it solo. But here I am.

A single mother of three. Certainly not the ideal way to raise my children but sadly more and more common. Some days are harder than others and some moments I waste longing for that "completed family" I don't have, instead of appreciating what I do. I am blessed beyond measures and I truly have so much to be thankful for. I have a much stronger faith now than I ever did and I don't know how some people get through life without one.

I never will be, nor would I want to be the girl I was before. Becoming a mom has changed me for the better in every dynamic of my life. I know even on the days it may feel like it, I am not alone. Jesus is there every step of the way as my rock and salvation. My strength as a single mom comes directly from him and I will always strive to raise my children in a faithful loving home.

On days filled with temper tantrums the walls can feel like they are caving in. Those are the moments I would do anything just for a little help! Then all the chaos subsides and evening finally approaches. My littles drift off to sleep and I actually find time to recoup. Then shortly after, I catch myself replaying all the videos of them on my phone and looking at their pictures, almost wishing I could wake them right back up to play! Every day is a fresh start, every day is a chance to start over and be the best mom I can be.

It's all a learning curve and finding what works and what doesn't but in the end we are all imperfect humans desperate for Jesus and his guidance to be better parents. I have my hands FULL. There is no other way to put it. My three littles rely on me for absolutely everything. They fight for my attention. They push my limits. And they test my patience. But when it gets hard, I remind myself to cherish each and every moment because they won't be little long. It's not easy being a single mom but it's 100% worth every hard moment.
Raising Iowa Mothers Day

God Bless all the Mama's out there!!

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