Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ice Cream & Grace

Our day started out fairly well with tantrums kept to a minimum and little to no fighting. Yay, it was safe to leave the house! Since it was near lunch I figured we would try out this ice cream shop my client told me about known for their sundaes and sandwiches. I told the kids if they stayed seated and ate their lunch we would get ice cream sundaes... easy enough bribe right? 

The second we got out of the car, Brooklyn started acting up. It would have been smart to just take that as a sign, turn right back around and load them up to go home. Against my better judgment we carried on. We entered the place and the kids eyes lit up! Windows of chocolate and candy surrounded them as well as shelves full of toys and knick knacks. I had to redirect three toddlers away from all the finer things (which was no easy task) and find a place to sit so we could eat. 

Right when we sat down I got the worst looks from two older ladies sitting at the next table over. (How dare I bring kids to an ice cream shop??) I felt really uncomfortable as they grabbed all their stuff and walked across the restaurant to sit else where and continue to stare me down. Keep in mind this was before my kids even started to act up!

My eager toddlers began to demand and want things while I attempted to look over the menu. Deacon was playing the "I can get out of my highchair game" That's when I kicked into survival mode and thought ice cream it is and we will be on our way. (Skipping lunch all together and filling them with sugar) Proud parent moment.

 I asked the waitress to split up the sundaes we ordered, apparently her definition of splitting was two spoons in each bowl. That's when the real tantrums began. Livy just took over the bowl while Brooklyn ended up on the floor screaming about not having her "own" all the while Deacon having a complete melt down because he wanted to hold the spoon and feed himself. Once Deacon started in and wouldn't stop I knew I had been defeated. If I had any hope it was him... he is usually my Angel baby of grace. 

I told the twins we weren't staying another minute. They dug into their sundae as fast as they could (no longer concerned about sharing) I forced the spoons out of their hands to leave. I threw Deacon under my arm and grabbed their hands pulling them all out of the restaurant looking like some crazy lady.

My delicious turtle sundae was left sitting there with barely even a bite taken out of it...

Raising Iowa
^^ The only picture taken before we entered the danger zone- It even looks like they were plotting against me!

While I'm out and about people often come up and say, "wow, you have your hands full"...  or "pat me on the back saying cherish these moments"... "You will miss this" etc... even in the midst of a tantrum the little bit of encouragement or sympathy from others who have been there gives me a sense of hope. 

We should always give each other grace. We don't know each others story or how hard some one's day or life may be.  One reason I started my blog was to share my experiences, good or bad and just be real. As a single Mom I know I have it that much harder but I also have double the love coming from three little beings that look up to me in every aspect of life. So it is crucial that I set a good example and keep it together even during the toughest times. 

Obviously I'm human, so I fail and lose my patience or temper. I am in constant prayer asking for guidance and grace as I tread the deep waters of parenting. Not every day is easy.. in fact most days are hard. Which is exactly why I rely on God's promise of forgiveness and grace to get me through and be the best Mother I can be. I know every moment is a blessing and should be cherished. Let me end with saying I promise I have taught my littles' manners, but they are THREE and ONE. They simply act their age. Which is why GRACE is so important in all aspects of life. We all make mistakes.

P.S. Is it Friday yet????



  1. I have Irish twins and a baby so 3 under 3 also and I totally feel your pain. I want to turn to people who are staring and say " you were this age once also!" but I know I represent Christ to them and to my little ones. Good job mama! It's just a season and once we survive we can help other mama's who are behind us :)

    1. Aww thank you so much for your sweet comment! It's the encouragement we all give each other that gets us through those hard times of parenting! God bless you and your sweet family;)

  2. I took Harper & Eloise to get ice cream after dinner the other night while Brandon stayed back with Claire, so of course I thought it was going to be CAKE taking only two kids. Sure enough, we get three ice cream cones, sit down in the grass & immediately get swarmed by bees. Harper was freaking out, screaming crying & when a bee landed on Eloise, Harper lost it and threw her cone down. Eloise got scared, and threw hers on the ground so she could jump into my arms. So I, out of pure frustration and not having enough hands, had to throw mine on the ground as well so I could carry both of them to the car. So we also went home with no ice cream, two screaming kids & me feeling like I totally failed as a mom. Hang in there :) XO

    1. This story is so funny and sad at the same time! Dumb bees. It's these moments we can look back on and laugh later! It's the thought that counts right!? The picture was priceless ;) Good to know I'm not alone in the crazy world of toddlers! Cheers to the weekend!
