Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekend Events

Hope everyone had a great weekend and got more sleep than we did! Yay for Day light savings stealing. It's official, I'll never sleep again. I'm already lacking in the sleep department since Deacon gets up often, so losing an hour can feel more like eternity.

Over the weekend, my best friend and her husband were in town and I loved catching up with her. There is always so much to talk about even though we chat on the phone weekly, being in person is so much better! And of course it never fails, she shows up at my door wearing practically the exact same outfit as me. We have known each other since we were babies, and always been so much alike even the same name! I love how no matter where life takes us, we always seem to pick up right where we left off. There are certain people you know you will be friends with forever, and she's one of them!

Since the kids and I don't get to travel often I am thrilled when our friends come visit us. I feel beyond blessed this month another one of my very best friends booked a last minute flight and will be arriving this weekend!

We ended up staying at my parents one night since I had an early work day and as I was leaving, Brooklyn yells to me, "Bye mama, Don't crash!" What a sweet little goodbye, stinker. She must know I'm not the world's best driver.

Speaking of, when we were leaving to go to my parents house all the kids were buckled in and ready to go and I had one last thing to grab from in the house- I literally make ten trips back in forth from the house to the car before we ever get out of the driveway. This time I go to open my car door, come to find out Princeton our dog jumped up on the door panel while I was inside the house and locked me out!! Three kids in the car, no spare key, On-star deactivated, I was FREAKING out! Twenty minutes and three firemen later I was back in my car with the kids (whom didn't seem to notice I was even gone) Thank God for dvd players in the car. Side note, my neighbors must think I'm crazy. I have been locked out of my house and vehicle I can't tell you how many times since we've moved in! Needless to say, spare keys will be made this week.

This week will fly by since it's a longer work week for me and my babies go to their dad's for a few days. It's usually the only time I get errands ran and the house picked up to my liking- which lasts right up until my little troops walk back in the door! I'll leave you with this picture of Brooklyn, in result of our chaotic weekend and not near enough sleep!

P.S. Deacon is officially walking. Just like a T. Rex dinosaur. It's pretty hilarious and I'm hoping he keeps his signature walk for a while:) 


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