Thursday, February 19, 2015

Deacon Is Turning One

I can't believe my baby boy is almost one year old!! It seems like just yesterday I was going into the hospital to have him. He truly did complete our little family, just can't imagine life without him. I think the twins are still adjusting to having a brother though. Time sure flies when your having fun. The past year has been full of surprises and new beginnings and so many firsts! Deacon is the man of the house around here. I think he fully enjoys the role too!

My C-section was scheduled for February 24th, 2014 and he waited patiently to the day. Both Deacon and the girls had no intention of making an early appearance. It's still shocking to me because the doctors always insisted they would come early, but such a blessing they were able to be carried full term. In honor of throw back Thursday, here is a picture of me 38 weeks pregnant with Deacon.

Deacon Wesley was born 7lb 12oz and 20inches long. He was so perfect! Such a beautiful, healthy baby boy.  I couldn't get over how sweet he was- and still is. I just wanted to snuggle him all day long. He slept so much, like most babies but hardly ever cried or fussed. I couldn't have asked for a better newborn. However my little man still has a record going of never sleeping through the night since the day he was born. Eek!!

We will be celebrating Deacon's first birthday next weekend. I decided to go with a Dr. Seuss theme and pull out their costumes from Halloween. Which the girls will be thrilled at the excuse to utilize them once more! What would Cat And The Hat do without Thing One and Thing Two anyways?!

Stay tuned for more details from the party. Can't wait to share how it all goes. Happy Almost Birthday to my sweet baby boy!!


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