Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lately Via iPhone

Life has been busy and on the go. Looking forward to some down time. Poor Deacon started not feeling well which I hope just has to do with teething. He is finally getting in his molars and I feel so bad for him! The twins are getting more curious, smarter, and entertaining by the day! I'm loving these ages. Why do they have to grow up!!(Tear) 

Here are some pics of us over the past couple of weeks doing what we do best! Enjoy :)
Raising Iowa - Pics
Overalls (old) Similar Here // Tee's (old) Similar Here // Shoes
Raising Iowa - Pics
Raising Iowa - Pics
My top: Lululemon
 Newly obsessed with Lululemon. This workout top is the best! I have every intention of working out,  just never find the time! In my defense every day around our house is a work out, my littles give me a run for my money. 
Raising Iowa - Pics
We have spent quite a few days at the park soaking up the beautiful spring weather we have been blessed with so far! The kids would spend every second there if they could. Plus, it's always a bonus when Mee-maw comes with! 
Raising Iowa - Pics
Raising Iowa - Pics
The coolest swings ever!! ^^
Deacon holds on for dear life in a swing, he is still unsure if he likes it. Definitely not as fearless as the twins.
Raising Iowa - Pics
Afternoon coffee date with this guy! He thinks he needs to go everywhere we do.. or maybe it's just the puppuccino at Starbucks he wants!
Raising Iowa - Pics
Getting dressed up and going out for dinner with my D man a few weeks ago was so much fun. His car seat is still rear facing so you can't see the little guy in the pic!
Raising Iowa - Pics
Deacon is such a climber lately and this was his proud "look at me face" right after he climbed up and sat down! I'm obsessed!Raising Iowa - Pics
Story time with my favorite peeps! Princeton cracks me up in this picture. He has to be in the middle of everything and will instantly sit on your lap if your on the ground, (the whole 35+ pounds of him to be exact.) Raising Iowa Pics

Hope everyone is having a great week!


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