Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Hectic Weekend

Our weekend was a whirlwind to say the least! I traveled for work majority of it and our nanny quit without notice (lovely) so the kids had to spend more time than usual at their dad's. I felt like I was constantly running back in forth for one reason or another. 

It's always hard being away from the kids. (I don't think I've mentioned I'm still nursing Deacon) so any extended time away makes it hard on us both. I'm proud I've been able to nurse him exclusively for the whole first year, but seriously ready to wean! We will see how he does this upcoming month. I was definitely missing these sweet faces while I was traveling past few days!

I don't travel too often for work but it's usually mandatory when I do so I make the best of it. Plus, it's necessary for keeping up my license so I don't mind. My new prescription and glasses couldn't have came at a better time. I've been in denial about having to wear my glasses all the time verses just when I read- another lovely part of getting older. So I figure I at least need a variety to choose from. These Derek Cardigan glasses are my new favorite. Perfect for hiding the lack of make up I wear most days. 

This week we will be busy celebrating Deacon's first birthday and getting ready for his party! I purchased him the Step2 Choo Choo Train. The girls are ecstatic to go for a ride. Almost as excited as I am for spring and just being able to get outside in general! Day dreaming of warmer weather.

The girls are more often than not ornery to their brother and pick on tag team him, so I told them if they weren't nice to him they wouldn't be able to ride along in his train. There was instant improvement in their behavior. Surprise surprise! I turn around and Brooklyn was playing patty cake with him, sadly for the first time. I'm hoping he catches up to them and they don't have a choice but to include him. A mom can dream right? They won't know what to think when he's running all over the house right along side them. Who knows maybe he will walk on his first birthday just like our Livy Kate did:)

Hope everybody has a blessed week!


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